
2019-07-15 — Written by Lance Pu

This is my first blog posting on the new site.

Who am I? You can read more about me here

The inspiration for this site is from Overreacted by Dan Abramov, who created Redux, and is now working on React

During my coding bootcamp, we were asked to create a portfolio site that showcases our understanding of web development and present ourselves to the world (Most importantly, hiring companies 😉). Secondly, I like to share some ideas, tutorials, for others and my future self in case I need to refer back. Lastly, I want to have a centralized repository of small webapps/tools that is readly available in case I ever need to use them (Also a good coding practice). With all those ideas in mine, I set out to create the site you see before you.

The engine that powers this site is Gatsby. It is a React framework that is lightning fast. It has many useful plugins that makes developing professional looking sites a breeze.

Another shoutout to Panr, whose starter template I'm using for this site. I love the dark and light mode it provides as well as the great code structure, making my customizations a breeze.

This is actually my first attempt to write a blog, usually I just keep my ideas to myself. I am hoping I can keep up this habit and provide useful content to you and to my future self.

Thanks for reading!